You are hearing Seminole Wind by
John Anderson

Running a Cotton Farm  requires many  long hours sitting atop
a John Deere... riding out those endless rows.  It was during these
hours of being on the tractor that my husband found a very
interesting artifact. oh, we find our share of arrowheads ....but this
was different. Here is a photo of it

I researched this artifact for almost 2 years.  It wasn't until
I went to Stone Mountain in Georgia that I was able to identify
our find. The historians call it a  CELT.  I even found a book that
had a picture of this celt.When I laid the artifact over the photo
in the book it was exactly the  same size...and all the details
were there....the narrow end and the sharp edge.

The celt was found on a high ridge atop our farm. I have since gone
back to this ridge and stood silently....taking in the quietness and
the beauty.  It comes to mind that this would be a perfect place to
raise an Indian side graced by the creek...another side
open much so thata person can see for miles.  The North ridge is
shaded by huge treesand woods ...the perfect place for shelter and
children's games. Standing there it seemed as if Time had stood
still......and I hated to break the spell and go home....
but home was waiting.

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Updated February 8, 2000
Updated August 1,2000
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