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It all
begins with a natural curiosity to discover One's beginnings. Roots.
I mentioned
in the page prior to this one I had completed a page in tribute
The connection it seems is with the name Roxie Johnston Coleman. I am hoping that through various documentation that my Great Aunt is mailing to me that I will be able to pinpoint the connection of myself to Albert Sidney.I know that she [Roxie Coleman] had a son named DC Coleman...as this name appears several times on old land deeds in connection with her. Quite surprising , really, since I am not a geneology buff...I was not particularly searching where I came from. Nonetheless, this was a pleasant surprise and a feeling of Southern Pride when I discovered about the life and death of this man. Below are some of the intersting things I found about him...and in tribute to him I dedicate this page. |
Setting the scene After bad weather, inexperience, and several delays Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston fulfilled his promise to "water our horses in the Tennessee River". On
April 5, 1862 General Johnston with the
Daybreak on the sixth saw the confederates advancing. Surprise was the order of the day for the Union under Grant. General Grant and Brigadier General W T Sherman were very much surprised when advancing Rebel armies began to attack. General Grant thought that he would be advancing on Corinth , but the reverse was true... the Rebs had caught the Union army totally off guard. This element of surprise was very deceiving to General Grant because the hordes of advancing Rebels appeared to number 100,000 soldiers. General Johnston, riding his magnificent horse, Fire-Eater, was riding behind his battle line. Speculation has it that he was unsure of his subordinates ability to execute orders and chose to ride behind them hoping his prescence would correct the problem. By noon...the
Rebels had driven to within a few yards of Pittsburg Landing. Here
the battered union troops consistently fought off the advancing Rebels...and
each time turned them back. Charge after charge, the union held their
stance and the fighting Rebels began to feel the pressure.
A Tennessee regiment was reported to be 'holding back'. General Johnston felt that he should urge the regiment on. Riding to the front of the unit he urged the troops to use their bayonets. Shouting above the den General Johnston could be heard to say "I will lead You!!!!" At the point of the union's retreat against the Tennessee unit General Johnston,satisfied that he had won this objective retreated, turned around and headed toward the back lines again. His horse had been shot twice and he had narrowly escaped a bullet to his left foot. Upon realization of this he began to sway in his saddle and Govenor of Tennesse, Isham B Harris asked him if he had been shot. Johnston replied "Yes, and I fear seriously". The Govenor gave Johnston a swallow of brandy...and with another breath his heart beat no more. On the morning of the 7th Grant took the offensive and began pushing the outnumbered confederates. In retreat the weary Rebels disengaged and retreated back to Corinth. Thus ended the Battle of Shiloh. |
By C. E. Merrill Honor to
him who only drew
In artless
truth, a simple child;
What tho'
detraction grieved the heart
Slow falling
back from Bowling Green,
Ah! how
he stood. and where he stood,
Oh, peace
to him who slumbers now
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be glad to share..or see what I can do for you....just write and ask..*S*
Page created
March 17,2000
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